Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stumbling Over Things We See

Shooting these videos is a real grind on me. Between wondering whether the camera is rolling, am I on frame, the YouTube time limitation of ten minutes, and of course, do I have my thoughts in order.

Ultimately, it is the last of these -my thoughts, the unseen- which is of paramount importance in the entire process. Even then all these factors weigh and affect any would-be eloquence. Then, I am made mindful there is no question about my adequacy: I am not adequate, as the apostle Paul, declared for the task to which I and each one of us has been called lest we should boast.

As solid a sin track record as we have and given our inadequacies who would possibly commend us to task of reconciling men, women and children in the grip of sin.

God is He who has commended us to the task of reconciling men. It is He who has put himself to the test. He has not looked at our past and present tendencies to stumble and denied us or given us lesser or inferior a charge than that of ambassadors.

We are ambassadors, foreigners of the kingdom, serving in a world in which we have no citizenship.

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