Friday, November 27, 2015

The Begotten Son

The Begotten Son is the subject of so much back and forth particularly as this refers or applies to Jesus, and more pointedly, how it refers to Jesus.

the name of God

One of simple but key points which the saints in Christ continue to overlook and forget was the poor, mistaken notions which the Jews conjured up concerning the name of God. Lest any one of them might even unwittingly or inadvertently misuse or blaspheme the name of God the Jews thought to implement what they doubtlessly thought was an improvement, as men tend to do, over what God had declared.

When Moses asked God whom he should tell Pharaoh sent him to Pharaoh God replied what has over the ages come down as God’s, no much God as the Jews, in their mistaken notions, rendered: YHWH. Yes, even at that there are other forms of that tetragrammaton; four letter term, as YHVH. Generally, Christians have continued and carried with the same name game purportedly about maintain a purity concerning the name of God.

Do you these Jewish and Christian notions reflect what God had in mind and what he thinks whether you call him Lord or LORD, or Lord, Lord but do not do his will? When God directed Moses to go to Pharaoh and his pagan court God instructed Moses that he was to declare his holy name in the presence of pagans. So began in Jewish history the path to forgetting the name of God, literally, and resorting instead the substitute they had conjured up. This is not to say God was in the least bit fazed by these things anymore than is Jesus about whether he is addressed by Yeshua, Lord, servant, teacher or Jesus.

What does all the endless speculation and purist pursuits of for the correct name of God have to do with our understanding of the Begotten Son? It is that a very similar endless speculation swirls around as to whether the Begotten Son was or was not created.

interpretation and application by the apostle Paul

The Begotten Son reference originates in Psalm two. It is quoted in Hebrews 1:5 where it is applied to the Son. Still, this does not tell us, though many will jump to conclusions, how it applies to the Son.

The reference from verse two the second Psalm is also found in Acts 13. It is here that the apostle Paul by inspiration of the Holy Spirit delivers the interpretation and application of the Begotten Son. Specifically, he defines to whom it applies and how it applies to that one individual in Acts 13. The apostle expressly names Jesus in verse 33 with reference to Jesus being raised up.

So as to leave no uncertainty Paul did not stop there. He proceeded and between verses 34 through 38 he applies the interpretation and application as being the resurrection of Jesus, the Son, from the dead. His wording is also taken, like Peter on Pentecost in Acts 2, from Psalm 16.


See the apostle Paul’s interpretation and application fo the term Begotten Son in Acts 13. The back and forth with hollow, assertions as to whether or not the Son was created are as pointless as they are completely unnecessary. The Son is the Firstborn from creation, but this, too, Paul did not mistakenly equate with the first physical creation of Genesis. Specifically, he defines to whom it applies and how it applies in Colossians 1:15, 18. It is Jesus who is the Firstborn from the dead and as the Firstborn from the dead he is the head of the body of believers; the church; believers who have been born anew by the power of faith in the resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God, Lord and Savior.

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