Over the last few years the call has been stirred up by some apologists (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) seemingly on behalf of blacks for America to pay reparations for the past enslavement of blacks. This appears to be nothing less than a lofty mistaken notion because it traces back to a convenient point in recent history to the temporal problem of slavery, but not the root problem of mankind. It purports to take the moral high road and it sounds like a moral, just cause for some. It sounds like something out of the question for others. Of course, there are ideological and economic considerations involving such reparations. I am concerned with neither those considerations nor the reparations themselves. I am concerned with what purports to be a moral call for justice on behalf of blacks by some even while others deny any wrong involving the enslavement of blacks in America. Still others resist and oppose reparations for no reason other than their contempt and disdain for the black skin color of a human being.
The purpose of these messages is to provide understanding and edification for the saints in Christ. These articles are not in-depth only in the sense that there is no inclusion of claims on the basis of linguistics and references to scholars and their sources. They reflect an approach and understanding such as can be gleaned by the reader of the scriptures in their own native or preferred language. Your comments are invited. Links without your own comments will not be published.