Sunday, October 29, 2017

Why Do Churches of Christ Not Use Instrumental Music?

It is true that among the fellowship of churches of Christ mechanical instruments are not found or used in the worship of the saints to God. Although the reasons given for this are touted as being, to use the preferred term, “scriptural,” this is hardly suitable for the edification of the saints. This is not because the scripture is insufficient. Rather it is because the explanations often avoid and suppress unpleasant and discomforting realities which would expose the weak, piecemeal smatterings which make up such explanations. Too often and for too long the assemblies of saints in Christ have either been torn apart when a determination was made to include the addition of mechanical instruments of music in the worship to the Father, or they remained locked into the practice of acapella (unaccompanied) singing under the mistaken false safe notion by which they not only believe their practice is safe, but there is a ready condemnation against their brothers and sisters whose practice includes the use of mechanical instruments.

A brother in Christ shared an article via PM on Facebook with me which prompted me to write this article. The basis of the article concerning the practice of the church in worship centers on these four points which I hope to paraphrase and re-word faithfully, here: 1) the authority of the New Testament, 2) our understanding of New Testament authority, 3) the desire to be fruitful, and 4) to be faithful to the Lord God and the written revelation of his will. Yet, the explanations in the article do not come from the author’s understanding and explanation of scripture. Instead he relies on a surplus of scholars and sources, old and new.

Yes, it is true that our practice(s) is predicated on the authority of the New Testament. It is also true that our faith behind those practices is enriched through our understanding of the scriptures.. How the saints worship and how the royal priesthood carries out the practices of that worship are valuable and significant. However as important as are these practices it is our understanding of the written revelation of the will of the LORD God who is one which is of paramount importance.

It is a moot understatement to say that the saints in Christ are not bound to the law of Moses. However, the challenge for those who lead, teach and preach the word of the Lord demands much more from them if they are to edify and build up the confidence of the saints in Christ in their worship to the Father.

I will not cite or refer to ancient or contemporary scholars. I will not expend time on quotations and cites of scholars on the original language words on the subject of singing. It is not as though those individuals have not been done or done enough times and long enough for all to know the lack of clarification and edification for the saints. I will refer and I hope to make my teaching clear concerning the specific question on the use of mechanical instruments and the authority for the use of these in worship to God. It is not as though it is important or significant, but I want to go ahead and make this disclosure. I love acapella singing. I have no love nor do I care for the sound of drums, guitars or pianos when I join with the saints in praise to God. Yes, there is a wide variety of music that I enjoy immensely on guitar, piano and other instruments in different genres. Nevertheless, I recognize that what are my feelings as in the emotions of the heart and I will not be governed by the heart, but by my understanding and obedience to the word of the Lord. While I have no need or desire to see the introduction of musical instruments in worship I do understand and I accept the use of these instruments in worship to God by those saints who choose to do so.

Simply to say that the church is not under the law of Moses is hardly a teaching point with little to no understanding and edification for the saints. The apostle Paul, as the author of the article reminds us, noted that the things which were written long ago (Romans 15:4) were written for our learning. The truth is that Moses never gave instruction or command in the law for the Levites concerning the use of musical instruments as they led Israel in worship to God. It was King David who much later introduced such instruments. How and why David did so and it was accepted by God is not a deep, dark and obscure mystery. It does call for our understanding if the saints are to be edified and rejoice in their worship to God.

David’s talent and love
God testified that David was a man after God’s own heart. God heard the songs of praise which David lifted up in praise to him with the lyre and harp. When King David introduced these instruments into the worship of God it was not because of a prior command from Moses or God. Rather it was because it was done according to the commandment of the Lord. This is why when King Hezekiah restored the temple worship he also included the Levite priests with their instruments as part of that restoration. David had a talent and love for the sound of musical instruments along with his songs of praise to the Lord God. King Saul knew of David’s musical love and abilities and found it soothing to listen to him play during times of emotional distress which overcame Saul after the Lord had departed from him. This is the testimony of the word of the Lord.

an implication
Are there implications and lessons for the saints in Christ? Christians, like Israel, are admonished to obey the commands of the Lord and to not deviate or add to them. This is a point which is much parroted by those who lead, teach and preach in the assembly of the saints and while it is true, it does not necessarily reflect the much parroted point by the apostle Paul about learning lessons from things written long ago.

Admittedly, a suggestion, or implication, as a form of authority guide for any practice or act of worship can be discomforting, unpleasant and troubling for some. Some strive to seek understanding from the written revelation of the word of God and edification for the saints. The course of action for others is to take, as the author states, “. . . the safest approach one can take in religion—the way that is right and cannot be wrong.” This, from one who purports to be a leader, teacher and preacher of the word of the Lord?

What the actions of King David imply concerning his inclusion of mechanical instruments as an addition to what Moses had written is that God is not deaf to the offering of praise from those who love him with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their mind and with all their strength.

Michal, the daughter of King Saul and David's wife, flashed the discomfort and unpleasant feelings in her heart. She despised David when she saw him dancing and rejoicing when the ark of the covenant was brought back to Jerusalem. Do not let your mind wander off about some mistaken notion about dancing.

a lesson
It may be as much of a discomfort to learn what we thought we knew before. Knowledge when accompanied by understanding compels us to act. Who doesn’t know this? So, there is good reason for someone who has maintained and lived with a practice without knowledge or love to not want to know or to learn the lessons of King David with respect to musical instruments.

So, what if anything does this have to say or instruct us concerning the practice of the saints to use or not use mechanical instruments in worship? Certainly the lessons of David are there for us. The challenge for the saints in Christ concerning David is to move beyond the superficial praises about David being a man after God’s own heart and his shameful disgrace concerning his adultery with Bathsheba and murder of her husband Uriah. This things being true pointing them out does nothing to enlighten the saints with respect to singing only or singing accompanied with musical instruments in the worship of the saints to God.

reconcile and harmonize
If we can not understand so as to reconcile and harmonize the addition of mechanical instruments in the temple worship by King David then it is not surprising if we struggle to reconcile and harmonize the practice of either acapella singing or instrumental music in our praise of the Lord God who is one in the church.

Aside of the superficial explanations which the saints hear from those who lead, teach and preach there is a major reason why it is difficult for the saints to accept much less understand the message. The reason that the message becomes muddled is because it is obscured by the way in which mechanical instruments are portrayed as being of the world and, hence, of the devil. Yet, some of the same people will readily engage in music, sing and play without any problem oblivious to the reality that they have failed to reconcile and harmonize their teaching, not just with the Old Testament and New Testament, but in their own daily lives.

The truth is that mechanical instruments do not and cannot edify the one who hears it. Even though some are adamant and insist that they do edify this does not make it so. Some have mistakenly equated the good feeling stirred in them by the sound of a guitar, a fiddle or piano with edification in order to allow or justify their use of mechanical instruments. This is as mistaken as it is needless.

what is understandable and what is discernible
However, there is a lesson written by the apostle Paul which I believe speaks to the question concerning mechanical instruments. Edification, that is, the building up of one’s understanding and knowledge is conveyed through spoken or written words. Paul conveyed this as it concerns the gift of prophecy or a tongue. One is as pointless as the other if there is no edification and no understanding for the believers who hear. Paul then used the analogy of the flute, harp and bugle to reiterate his point. When the objective is edification this is accomplished through words that are understandable. When the objective is to enjoy the sound of the flute, harp and bugle this is accomplished by the player delivering clear, distinct notes. There is pleasure and no confusion in the ear of the listener that he is hearing a flute or a harp.  Conversely, the fact that mechanical instruments do not edify is not a reason for mechanical instruments to be rejected. In addition to Paul’s lesson concerning and appreciating understandable words and discernible musical sounds he presented a valuable principle.

things that are lawful, things that edify
When the believers struggled as to whether they could or should eat meat which had been sacrificed to idols Paul, although as he often states that being an apostle he could well have done so, did not pontificate. Instead, he stated a principle to which Paul resorts at least two times in his writings. 1 2

23 All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify.

Paul spells out the principle. He does not take it upon himself to alleviate or absolve the saints then or today from the struggle of faith. Everyone is to determine what and why they will do and what they decide to do. Paul does not go where some are eager to go. He does not presume to dictate to the saints not to do the things that are not profitable even though they are lawful. Conversely, Paul does not presume to dictate to the saints to go ahead and do what is lawful even though it may not be profitable. This, from a personal standpoint of my understanding of the apostle Paul, not troublesome or disturbing for me. If it troubles you, do not be dismayed. Struggle. Understand. Be leery of playing it safe.

When I consider, reconcile and harmonize David and Paul this is what I understand. Mechanical instruments are not sinful in themselves as we know no object in itself is sinful. The use of mechanical instruments may OR may not not be lawful in worship. However, whichever way one chooses to go with that, the truth is that while the added use of these may be profitable so as to enhance enjoyment for participants in the worship assembly, mechanical instruments are not and cannot edify the hearer. I reiterate that simply because they cannot edify this does not make the use of mechanical instruments in worship a sinful practice by the saints nor is it a departure or addition to the scriptures.

I have no need to condemn my brothers and sisters who decide to use mechanical instruments. My personal preference, even if it is bound up in the scriptures and my understanding of the scriptures, does not preclude my condemnation of them. The use of mechanical instruments is no less bound up in my understanding in the entirety of the same scriptures. This is true even if those who, often without much understanding from those who lead, teach and preach, maintain the use and practice of mechanical instruments in worship without understanding. "This is the new millennium!" a shout-out often heard as the rallying cry for change as much as Ephesians 5:19 constitute neither teaching nor the authority for such teaching the latter especially if it is nothing more than merely quoting a favorite Bible verse and without the depth of the entirety of scripture. Instead, I would hope that they would strengthen their convictions as the result of understanding more fully these things. I would hope that my brothers and sisters who, like myself, have a preference for acapella singing would themselves strengthen their convictions as the result of understanding more fully these things.

Peace to all.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Eternal Generation of the Son

There are many doctrines in the Old and New Testament scriptures. There are doctrines which are mentioned in the scriptures, but which were not part of the teaching of the apostles. One example of this is the reference (I Corinthians 15:29) by the apostle Paul to mistaken practice of some who were baptized for the dead. Some of these doctrines span from a virtual to an actual practice.

Sometimes, as for example in the case of sacrifice, the actual practice involves animal sacrifice while the virtual sacrifice, though by no means less real, of the disciple of Jesus is  to surrender his or her life totally to the Lord Jesus who is their savior. Another example of a doctrine is baptism. Whether one’s examination of the doctrine of baptism began with the baptism of Naaman, the Syrian, seven times in the Jordan River or the baptism of John, the baptism of Jesus himself, the baptism with the Holy Spirit, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, baptism for forgiveness of sins all of these, despite their differences, have one simple point in common: obedience. One last example is the doctrine concerning the coming of the Lord. It is neither more nor less important for the disciple in terms of the understanding of how he is to submit in obedience to Jesus as Lord and Savior.

These are merely three examples of sacrifice, baptism and the coming of the Lord, with the exclusion of the false doctrine of baptism for the dead, illustrate doctrines which span from the virtual to the actual practice and from the Old Testament to the New Testament scriptures. These doctrines and many others are found in the scriptures. Some with more detail than others. All are capable of being misunderstood and wittingly or unwittingly being misunderstood and which can subsequently result in a false or erroneous doctrine being taught.

eternal generation of the Son
The doctrine, or so-called doctrine, of eternal generation of the Son is not in the any of the above categories. Here is an excellent article on this doctrine. [1] [2] [3] [4] I encourage you to read it. There is an abundance of articles available. They reflect the same fundamentals of this doctrine and cite and quote most of the same sources. Basically, the doctrine purports to uphold the eternal generation of the Son. Clearly, the eternal aspect of this generation is to assert the truth of the existence of the Son, that is, Jesus before he came into the world and before the existence of the world.

None of this constitutes a doctrinal problem or even a heresy. The doctrine of eternal generation of the Son is not necessarily a false doctrine. Rather, it is a pointless and needless doctrine. It is an academic exercise begotten by men. Yet, there is a question which emerges and it is one which is untouched and circumvented by those whose scholarly works on this doctrine abound. The question and answer have historically unnerved the saints in Christ as well as scholars and theologians.

Arius (c. AD 256–336) was opposed to the doctrine of the apostles as revealed in the scriptures concerning the deity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Specifically, Arius was opposed to the doctrine which asserts Jesus as being deity. Subsequently, he was labeled as a heretic following the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. Although much of what we know of what Arius taught is limited to secondary sources which referred to his teachings it is not difficult to reason and trace back a fundamental tenet of his erroneous teaching. Arius denied the deity and pre-existence of Jesus; the latter of which has much consumed scholars and theologians with little clarification and less edification for the saints in Christ.

John, Elijah and pre-existence
Actually, God in his infinite wisdom provided for our learning a much overlooked, clear, hands-on experience and testimony of pre-existence. The experience was of John the baptist. The testimony was from Jesus himself when he declared that John was Elijah, the prophet. Elijah had preexisted centuries prior to the birth and appearance of John. This was not a reincarnation. Elijah did not die. He was taken up into the heavens before of eyes of his disciple Elisha. It is a simple primer lesson in pre-existence, not eternal existence or eternal pre-existence of Elijah as John. Therefore, it seems more than a mere peculiarity that immediately following the apostle John’s Prologue in chapter one on the eternal, pre-existent Word, the logos, that John the baptist appears along with the speculative, contemplative question from the priests and Levites who were sent to him: are you Elijah?

It is not difficult to surmise the likely and probable principal behind Arius’ denial of Jesus. Today the teaching of Arius is echoed by the disciples, namely, the so-called Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims and so-called unitarians. Here is the seemingly all-disarming question, often with a snicker, to the claim of the believer that Jesus is God: Are you saying that God died? The travesty here is the lack of knowledge and confidence by many disciples. They are not alone. Scholars and theologians are right there among them. This is the question which ancient and modern scholars and theologians circumvent. The so-called scholarly and wordy doctrine of eternal generation of the Son is a circumvention of that question. Whether or not that doctrine itself generated it the fact is that the shields itself behind these two familiar claims made by Christians, namely, the claim of the scriptures that Jesus is fully God and the extra-biblical man-made claim that Jesus is fully man.

Jesus, as a man, fully man
I readily understand, believe and teach that Jesus is fully God. I am also aware of the references by Jesus to himself as a man. (John 8:40) I am also aware of the apostle Paul’s reference to Jesus as a man. (I Timothy 2:5) Do these references represent teaching points about a human Jesus or do they represent both Jesus and Paul willingness to engage with people on their common knowledge and perception that Jesus was just another human being? Jesus did not cater to the Muslim and other so-called unitarians inexorable cry so memorably uttered by Philip: Just show us the Father. Actually, their cry is more like: Just tell us you are God. Yet, how many times did Jesus find himself declaring over and over even at his mock trial the things which he had said openly and multiple times. Yet, they did believe or accept it and if they did believe it because they heard it and saw with their own eyes (" But some of them went to the Pharisees and told them the things which Jesus had done." John 11:46) they still chose to reject the truth.

The fact that they did not understand his words or that they rejected his words was not reason for Jesus or Paul to change their message. It is Paul who makes the distinct clarification concerning Jesus in his letter to the Philippians. (2:7, 8) Jesus, Paul asserts, took on the form of a servant, made in the likeness of man and being found in appearance as a man all of which are significant points that are blithely overlooked too often. A form, likeness and appearance of a man does not constitute a man. The external, outward appearance of Jesus was that of a man, although he was not a man. Why then would Paul refer to Jesus as a man? In Ephesus, where Timothy was located and where Paul had ministered for two years the man Jesus as mediator and savior stood in stark contrast to the female cult of Artemis (Acts 19) who throughout Asia was touted as the savior of women through childbirth. Paul proclaimed Jesus, unlike Artemis who touted herself as savior of women, as being the savior, not just of women or of men, but of all mankind. So, why did Christians and the doctrine of eternal generation of the Son resort to the expression of Jesus as “fully man” which no more appears in the scriptures than the doctrine which purports to uphold his eternal existence? Whether or not the expression of "fully man" was co-generated along with the doctrine or it emerged as a necessary appendage it is a vital part of the claims of the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son.

God cannot die
The reason for the dependence on the expression of Jesus as being "fully man" is that despite all of the Christian’s’ claims that death is not the end the truth is that when it comes to Jesus, that is, God, they can not fathom this blunt, inexorable and undeniable and glorious truth: God died. Of course, this is the fodder of Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses and so-called unitarians prompts this retort from them: God cannot die. Says who? Hence, the Sunday morning Bible study weak assertion that it was “the human part of Jesus that died.” However, no matter how much they might sincerely and intellectually deny this about death the truth is that just as equally sincere and emotionally they live in the fear of death. Yet, what greater display of his sovereignty and power could God demonstrate than to, not merely restore life to a human (like numerous prophets) being like Lazarus, but that he himself, the Creator, Giver and Sustainer of life should lay down his own life and after three days take up his life again? This is the declaration of the writer in Hebrews 2:14, 15. God died. God did not remain dead. Amen! Hallelujah!

You have likely heard the question. Who was in control of the universe if God died? This question neglects another assertion and doctrine parroted, even if not understood by Christians, of God as being omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. What is three days in the grave but less than the twinkling of an eye for a God who is outside of time and space?

There are many doctrines in the Bible for us to understand and teach. They are relevant and necessary, some unto the salvation of the believer, others unto the edification of the believer. This doctrines are capable of being misunderstood. If the apostle Paul himself was sometimes misunderstood on his teaching why would we expect any differently for ourselves? The so-called doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son is neither of these because it is as pointless as it is needless.

This is not to say it is a false doctrine. This is not to label or malign those who write and expend their time on it as heretics. It is to say that there is a reason why the doctrine was begotten by men. It circumvents, even by its seemingly passing, casual reference to Jesus as “fully God” and “fully man” the age old fear of death which needlessly and pointlessly still haunts some saints. The doctrine of eternal generation of the Son, while not false, does nothing to build up the knowledge and confidence of the saints concerning the futile power of death in the hands of God. Jesus came into the world and asserted that death, that is, the ruler of this world (John 14:30) had no power over him and that he would lay down his life and take it up again.