Sunday, June 24, 2018

King David, divorce, and the gift of God

King David, divorce, and the gift of God
by Gilbert Torres
And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

Divorce is not always an amicable parting between two people. Divorce often lives on as an unhealed wound in children and adults, too. Sometimes divorce is an ugly ordeal over custody of children and the division of property. Yet there is life after divorce. Live is a gift. It is the gift given as much for those who have caused the hurt of divorce as for those who have been hurt by divorce. It is a gift for those who may feel they do not deserve a gift. It is a gift for those who are reminded and assured by others that they are undeserving of any gift from God. The idea that the one who is hurt and the one causes the hurt should receive a gift is not something which fills our hearts with warm and wonderful feelings. However the truth is neither the one who gives gifts nor the recipient of that gift who accepts the gift require a third party to approve the giving or receiving of that gift. The purpose of this article is to present the scriptures as the reader is able to read those scriptures for themselves on the matter of divorce. It is hoped that you will gain understanding, confidence and joy in the LORD especially if you or a loved one have been affected by divorce directly or indirectly. You are invited to comment here on my blog or if you wish you can click here to be directed to my Facebook page to post your comment.