Friday, November 27, 2015

The Begotten Son

The Begotten Son is the subject of so much back and forth particularly as this refers or applies to Jesus, and more pointedly, how it refers to Jesus.

the name of God

One of simple but key points which the saints in Christ continue to overlook and forget was the poor, mistaken notions which the Jews conjured up concerning the name of God. Lest any one of them might even unwittingly or inadvertently misuse or blaspheme the name of God the Jews thought to implement what they doubtlessly thought was an improvement, as men tend to do, over what God had declared.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Spirit of Truth: With You and In You

The Indwelling of Deity in the Believer by Gilbert Torres

A few days ago I received an email from a friend I met several years ago on Interfaith Dialogue in Orkut in pre-Facebook days. It had been a very long time since I had heard from him, but I was greeted with the usual, endless barrage of questions including castigations on Christians and broad swipes on scripture. This from a man who states, and I believe him, that he is a seeker of truth. He struggles with what he sees as the shortfall of disciples to walk the talk of Jesus. As much as I agreed with him I also noted that this is the familiar tactic where the seeker turns his focus away from the unpleasantries of being crucified with Christ. It is easier to look and point out the shortcomings in others than to stay focused on our own cross. He agreed. I limited my focus to one or two questions which, in turn, I related to all his other questions instead of trying to answer every tidal wave of questions. One of the many matters which he struggles to grasp is the Holy Spirit. I pointed out to him that this is true of a lot of saints in Christ.

A breakthrough occurred

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sin, Righteousness, Judgment, and ISIS

a call

The infamy of the atrocity in Paris by purported ISIS terrorists, whether or not they are associated with ISIS being immaterial, evokes sadness, lament, empathy, bitterness and rage rightfully, but little understanding particularly among the saints in Christ. Much of the response from Christians is often to parrot what is heard in the news and social media, from friends and others who know not God. The dialog is often more of a reveling in the flesh, that is, a mindset which focuses and sees only what is readily apparent without any thought to those things not as readily visible or apparent. It is a dialog which does not reflect the understanding and teaching as one expects from those in whom dwells the Holy Spirit. This is not a condemnation of America or her friends. Certainly, it is not a condemnation of friends and family who have suffered the attack in Paris. It is not a condemnation of the saints in Christ. Rather it is a call, beginning with the disciples of Jesus and then nonbelievers, to examine themselves and their understanding of what they profess to know and believe of the scriptures and the teachings of Jesus in our response to ISIS; the unbelieving.

a judgment

The thoughts, intentions, teachings and actions of ISIS and those who applaud ISIS are evil.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I Opposed Him to His Face

Now playing as the unopposed main attraction in some assemblies: dancing, displays of euphoria and ecstasy, notions of speaking to God and other displays of piety and devotion. Some saints are intimidated and silenced when they see these things. They assume that since they cannot understand it, it must be something which can not be understood. Therefore, it must be a mystery from God which can not be understood

things we say and do

Often it is so much easier to put on a grand display of so-called piety and devotion rather than to understand. Can the saints know whether what another saint does or says is from the Spirit or a self-delusion? How does one know? Does the mere claim from one who says and does those things that he/she is in the Spirit make it so? There are things, such as demonstrations of love, which we say and things which we do for others and for ourselves. When we say and do things to or direct those things, such as with unknown or ulterior motives, at someone they may be with good or evil intent. Then there are those things which we say and do because of someone else, that is, we are inspired or motivated by someone else in those things which we do.